A password-protected directory is a folder which can't be accessed unless the proper login credentials are offered. This can be a whole site or simply a single page that's situated in a subfolder. If you attempt to open such a directory, you shall see a browser pop-up where you will need to type a username as well as a password. If you input the appropriate ones, you'll be able to continue browsing the content with no need to do anything more. If the login details aren't accurate, however, you'll see a note that you aren't permitted to see the content. When this function is active, you will not be able to open a file even if you have a direct link. The option is quite practical if you'd like to restrict the access to some content or if you are developing a website and you do not want visitors to be able to access it before it's ready.

Password Protected Directories in Website Hosting

Setting up a password-protected area will take merely a couple of mouse clicks and a few seconds when you host your Internet sites in a website hosting account with our company. You will not need to do anything challenging - you'll need to pick a domain/subdomain, to pick which folder under it should be protected, and then to input the login name and password that will be used to access that folder. In case a number of people need their own login credentials, there shall not be a problem to create a number of different usernames with access to the same exact folder. All protected folders will appear with a padlock icon in the File Manager section, so you'll always know where this option is activated. If you would like to deactivate the security feature for any folder, you can disable it from the very same section of the Control Panel in which you have enabled it.

Password Protected Directories in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you have a semi-dedicated server account with us, you will be able to protect any content you have uploaded through our protection tool. Its interface is as simple and intuitive as that of the Hepsia CP it's part of, so you will not have to input any code at any time. You'll only need to choose one of the domains/subdomains which you have in the website hosting account and to select which folder has to be password-protected - the website’s root folder or some folder below it. Then you can type the username and the password, that'll be stored in encrypted form in our system, and you shall be ready. The protection will be switched on immediately, so anyone who tries to access the recently secured folder shall have to enter the correct login details. When several people should be able to access exactly the same content, you could make a separate username for each.