DKIM, which stands for DomainKeys Identified Mail, is an authentication system, which impedes email headers from being spoofed and email content from being meddled with. This is done by adding an electronic signature to each email sent from an email address under a particular domain. The signature is created based on a private cryptographic key that is available on the outgoing SMTP server and it can be validated using a public key, which is available in the global Domain Name System. In this way, any email with edited content or a forged sender can be recognized by email providers. This method will increase your online safety significantly and you will know for sure that any e-mail message sent from a business associate, a bank, etc., is authentic. When you send out messages, the receiver will also know for sure that you are indeed the one who has sent them. Any email that appears to be fraudulent may either be labeled as such or may never end up in the receiver’s mailbox, depending on how the given provider has decided to deal with such emails.

DomainKeys Identified Mail in Website Hosting

You’ll be able to make use of DomainKeys Identified Mail with each website hosting that we offer without the need to do anything specific, because the obligatory records for using this email validation system are set up automatically by our website hosting platform when you add a domain to an active hosting account using the Hepsia Control Panel. As long as the specific domain name uses our name server records, a private key will be issued and stored on our email servers and a TXT resource record with a public key will be sent to the global Domain Name System. If you send periodic messages to customers or business associates, they will always be received and no unsolicited party will be able to forge your address and make it seem like you’ve composed a particular message.

DomainKeys Identified Mail in Semi-dedicated Servers

All compulsory DKIM records will be set up automatically by our cloud platform when you add a domain name as hosted in a semi-dedicated server account, so if you choose to purchase a semi-dedicated hosting plan, you will not need to set up anything to be able to take advantage of the email authentication system. The domain name must use our name servers in order for its DNS resource records to be managed by our company and provided that this condition is met, a private key will be generated on our mail servers and a public key will be added to the global DNS database by a special TXT record. All email addresses that you set up using the domain name will be protected by DKIM, which will make it impossible for 3rd parties to spoof any email address. Both you and your partners or clients can take advantage of this functionality, as it will guarantee a much higher level of protection for your e-communication.